Address Jobs Now and Deficits Later
In the February 24, 2010 Politico article " Address jobs now and deficits later ," Lawrence Mishel and David M. Walker explain the role of economic growth in increasing government revenues and argue the U.S. may need to increase short-term deficits to promote long-term prosperity. President Barack Obama is in a difficult position when it comes to deficits. Today's high deficits will have to go even higher to help address unemployment. At the same time, many Americans are increasingly concerned about escalating deficits and debt. What's a president to do? The answer, from a policy perspective, is not that hard: A focus on jobs now is consistent with addressing our deficit problems ahead. The difficulty is that many politicians and news organizations often cast deficit debates as a dichotomy: You either care about them or you don’t. But this is rarely accurate. The fact that the two of us, who have philosophical differences on the proper role of government, find much to...