In the July 1, 2010 LiveScience article " U.S. Is Richest Nation, But Not Happiest ," Jeanna Bryner reports on a study that questions the relationships between money and happiness: The United States may be the richest nation on Earth, a new study indicates, but it's not the happiest. The new analysis of Gallup World Poll data suggests, however, that trying to compare the happiness of one nation to another is not straightforward. Rather, there are two major categories of happiness : overall life satisfaction; and more moment-to-moment enjoyment of life. And while overall satisfaction of life is strongly tied to income, meaning richer nations and individuals have more of this overall bliss, how much one enjoys life (by measures such as laughing and smiling) depends more on social and psychological needs being met. These include having social support and using one's abilities, as opposed to sitting at a mind-numbing job. The United States, which had the highest gross d...