
Showing posts from January, 2011

Winner Take All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer – and Turned it s Back on the Middle Class.

Winner Take All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer – and Turned it s Back on the Middle Class - by Jacob S. Hacker From the publisher's website : Description A groundbreaking work that identifies the real culprit behind one of the great economic crimes of our time— the growing inequality of incomes between the vast majority of Americans and the richest of the rich. We all know that the very rich have gotten a lot richer these past few decades while most Americans haven't. In fact, the exorbitantly paid have continued to thrive during the current economic crisis, even as the rest of Americans have continued to fall behind. Why do the "haveit- alls" have so much more? And how have they managed to restructure the economy to reap the lion's share of the gains and shift the costs of their new economic playground downward, tearing new holes in the safety net and saddling all of us with increased debt and risk? Lots of so-called experts claim to have solved ...

Infographic: Visualizing the National Debt

Infographic Source: National Debt Click the image above to see it completely.

Give It Back for Jobs

The "Give It Back for Jobs" website ( ) encourages people to donate to charity the amount of money they will save by the extension of the Bush tax cuts for 2011 and 2012. According to the website: Calculate, Pledge, and Donate Your Tax Cut Americans who've benefited from the extension of the Bush tax cuts should give what they can afford - in large amounts or small - back to the public, by supporting organizations that promote fairness and economic growth. The government has, by extending the cuts, deprived itself of the resources required to support the policies that will secure a vibrant middle class. But joint action by visitors to this site will begin to replicate good government policy, outside the government and free from the grip of obstructionists within it.